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Beginn jetzt mit Fitbybriix und mach jetzt den Unterschied für deine Zukunft


From individual people to large companies, we have something for everyone with our fitness website.

With fitness, yoga or fit boxing, we cover a variety of physical activities.

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Fitbybriix is the ultimate website designed specifically for anyone who wants to improve their physical fitness. Our goal is to give every person the opportunity to stay physically fit during their free lunch break, before or after work. We understand the challenge of finding good and qualified coaches to do sports or yoga with. That's why we offer the ideal solution to this problem, and the best part is that you don't even have to move out of your usual environment!

Workout and stay fit

Balance for body and mind with Fitbybriix

Each person takes on one of the most important tasks of our society: the education and development of young people. This responsibility requires not only mental strength, but also physical stamina and emotional balance. In this essay I would like to explain why a fitness and yoga programme is not only important for your health, but also for your professional performance and private life. Physical health and energy: Your job often requires you to be physically fit. A regular fitness programme strengthens your body, increases your stamina and improves your overall fitness. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers and reduce stress. You will find that you go about your tasks with more energy and vitality and are better able to cope with daily challenges. Stress management and emotional well-being: Your job can be stressful at times, especially when you have to look after the well-being of many people and meet high expectations. Yoga offers a variety of techniques to help you reduce stress and achieve emotional balance. Through breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques, you can calm your mind, find inner peace and improve your concentration. This in turn has a positive impact on your emotional health and well-being, both at work and in your personal life. Improved cognitive functions: Regular physical activity and yoga practices have been shown to have positive effects on the brain's cognitive functions. Studies show that physical activity increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates neurological activity, leading to improved concentration, cognitive flexibility and problem-solving ability. This will help you perform your tasks more effectively and communicate your knowledge more effectively. Better work-life balance: Your job can be overwhelming at times, making it difficult to maintain a work-life balance. A fitness and yoga programme gives you the opportunity to take time for yourself and look after your own wellbeing. It helps you to reduce stress, calm your mind and recharge your energy. Through regular physical activity and relaxation practices, you will find that you are better able to manage your tasks while having enough time for your personal interests and your family.

Es ist nie zu Spät etwas für seine Gesundheit zu machen.

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Meet The Team

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Roanito Neves

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  • Yoga Coach of FITBYBRIIX

  • Dance Teacher


Brito Oliveira Rick

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  • Headleader of FITBYBRIIX

  • Fitness Coach


Sacha Linchet

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  • Sports physiotherapist

  • Performance Coach

  • Headleader of Reloade Luxembourg

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